I've long been a P&P fan, but this most recent rereading of S&S has me reconsidering my favorite Austen novel. Of course, in the end it does not matter since they are all outstanding. I was again amazed by Austen's subtle wit on display throughout the book. Hardly anyone is free from her barbs, but they are done with such humor that even the victims would have to smile.Elinor is a great character in that she is 3-dimensional. Austen avoids creating the perfect people, so even the heroines (and heroes) have their faults. Her commitment to others and her willing to sacrifice for them make her enduring.Faith, something that does not always play a role in this preacher's daughters work, makes some small appearances. Most notable is Marianne's recognition of her need to repent to God and live a more humble life. Of course, Elinor marries a minister, but you never actually hear of Edward's faith in and of itself.Just some general comments. At some point in the future I'll read it again and write something more substantial.